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Donna Daily Rant

What Is Heartburn

October 14 2015, 10:30am

Posted by Donna Johansen

Do you know that acid reflux and heartburn is the same thing? only because the pain happens close to the heart, it does not have any effect on your heart. No wonder. you feel the discomfort in the lower chest and the bitter flavor in your throat.

The lower esophageal sphincter or LES is located at the intersection between the stomach and the esophagus. It opens and closes to ensure the food gets into the stomach and not flowing back. Unfortunately, whenever there is a failure of the LES, the stomach acid will splash back into the esophagus. And it will cause damage.

Eating a lot or lying down can induce heartburn. If you are fortunate, it will go away in a few minutes. Otherwise, it can carry on for hours. Although the reflux fades away, but it can surface once again when you are under anxiety or perhaps you eat certain food.

Chronic heartburn can decrease the output at work and obstruct your day-to-day activities. It can gradually become Barrett's esophagus and in later stages, you may end up with esophageal cancer. The good part about it is that you have various techniques to treat heartburn.

Antacids tend to be commonly used as a remedy to stop heartburn. It includes sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate, aluminum salts or magnesium that reduces the acidity in the stomach. The best approach to make use of antacids is just take them about one hour after meals. If you have heartburn, just take them immediately. Follow up with a second dosage a couple of hours later. It will increase the results as the effect of the first dosage will taper off. Nonetheless, utilizing a lot of antacids can cause diarrhea and bowel irregularity. In addition, most antacids including Tums, Maalox and Mylanta have a tendency to trigger recurrence of acid reflux and they stimulate the production of stomach acid.

Although you can get relief from medications, but you can develop reliance and could experience unwanted effects later on. If your heartburn seldom develops, there is no need for them. Delve into the choices of natural remedies. They are remarkable when you see the results. The only hassle is that you need to spend some time testing them to see which one is effective. Well, it is better to be safe than sorry later. They don't cause any harm on your health.

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